


Free Writing Service for NKUHT Students 免費學術英文寫作輔導~


英文考試常常覺得寫作很困難? 不知道該如何得知自己寫作可以改進的地方?

或者寫全英專題不曉得寫得好不好? 歡迎準備好你們的練習題、答案或專題內容,向我們提出預約吧!

有英語為母語者的老師會為你們解答~~ 採預約制,至少需要提前7天預約!

Language Center will provide NKUHT students with free writing assistance. In-Person writing service allows students to meet with a native speaker of English in-person to work on their draft papers, research projects or writing test. The writing service aims to prioritize student-directed writing practices, such as brainstorming, organizing, expanding, analyzing, or revising. This is not an editing service.

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Contact Info.

Dr.Smith: chefdsmith1@gmail.com

TA : franchen97@gmail.com

