



測驗日期 Testing Date:

112年8月30日(三)、112年8月31日(四)、112年9月4日(一)、112年9月5日(二) 、112年9月6日(三)

August 30 (Wed& August 31 (Thu) & September 4(Mon) & September 5 (Tue) & September 6(Wed)


►測驗說明 Testing Rules:

  1. 各班請依表列時間做線上測驗。
  2. 本籍生僅需參加英文能力測驗,應用英語系新生及進二技餐管系新生無需參加英文分級測驗。 
  3. 境外生(含外籍生、僑生及港澳生)及交換生需參加華語文、英文能力二種測驗;惟中籍學生僅需參加英文能力測驗。 
  4. 測驗時間皆為1小時。
  5. 如有測驗相關問題,請洽語文中心19601、19611、19621、19612。


  1. Students should follow the timetable to finish the online placement test.  
  2. Local students must take the English placement test. 
  3. Degree-seeking international students and exchange students must take both English and Mandarin placement tests; students from China only need to take the English placement test.
  4. The testing time is one hour. 
  5. For questions regarding the placement tests, please contact the Language Center at extensions 19601, 19621, 19611 or 19612. 


English Placement Test

請各位同學於8/25後至EasyTest (https://easytest.nkuht.edu.tw)測試是否能成功登入

Please go to EasyTest  (https://easytest.nkuht.edu.tw) after 8/25 to test whether you can login successfully

Please read the Placement Test  instructions and course regulations in advance.


Your account number and password are initially set as your  NKUHT (Portal) account number and password.



Mandarin Placement Test 

網站連結: https://cloud.sc-top.org.tw/cloud/test.aspx

Website Link: https://cloud.sc-top.org.tw/cloud/test.aspx



The Language Center will email the Mandarin test instructions to your personal email and your NKUHT email (student ID@stu.nkuht.edu.tw). Please check your email before 9/2.


For the test account and password, please log in according to the account and password corresponding to your name in the file attached to the email.




Please click the button below for the  freshmen Placement Test instructions and General Education English course rules.





Please click the button below for the freshmen Placement Test timetable.